Architectural Design


Architectural Design

We provide a responsive and professional service in architectural design. Fitted to the requirements of each client we deliver high quality results regardless of project size or type. Our mission is to develop architecture which addresses its physical and cultural context and allows effective solutions for procurement and construction.

Our work includes all types of planning and design. Starting from conceptual design we provide full architectural services for building projects from inception to completion.

Complex building types, e.g. hospitals and laboratories, are our speciality. We have a long standing experience in developing masterplans for cities, universities or healthcare facilities of the future. Our integrated approach to architecture, landscape, sustainability and interior design enables a sensitive response to the diverse needs and moods of users across a range of building environments.

Sustainability is an essential element of our design approach.

In each project, regardless of type, use or scale we aim to:
minimise energy use, pollution, waste and water use
develop multi-use building elements which gain additional energy
use low environmental impact materials, from renewable sources where possible
create durable and adaptable design solutions and measure the effectiveness of our designs

Contact Person
Marc Eggert
+49 711 7696-6611